Three luminous objects fly over land formation in southern Spain, the night of July 27, 2018, during the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century.
UFO Incident of Alcalá la Real (video shot MOV_0072).
Three luminous objects fly over land formation in southern Spain, the night of July 27, 2018, during the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. "It's not going anymore."
Are we facing a new milestone in UFO phenomenology? A new year 1947? We refer to the incident (1) UFO of Alcalá la Real (video shot MOV_0072).
In the video as it was recorded there is a sound cut in the minute 1’22 ”and not the image because the conversation between the attendees acquires a personal character.
Three luminous objects fly over land formation in southern Spain, the night of July 27, 2018, during the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. "It's not going anymore."
Are we facing a new milestone in UFO phenomenology? A new year 1947? We refer to the incident (1) UFO of Alcalá la Real (video shot MOV_0072).
In the video as it was recorded there is a sound cut in the minute 1’22 ”and not the image because the conversation between the attendees acquires a personal character.
video MOV_0072.
Photo gallery

Alcalá la Real on October 7, 2018
On the night of July 27, 2018, a group of friends who love astronomy (2), consisting of José Antonio C., Alfredo Luque and a server Manuel Escabias. We went to observe the eclipse of Luna to a place near our town of Alcalá la Real, (Jaén). Specifically I refer to the place of "Los Llanos". When we got in the car, we were able to check the existing number of vehicles parked in that place. The media in its various news, had created great expectations about a beautiful phenomenon, called "Moon of Blood", and was now rewarded generating the assistance of numerous audiences.
We advance with our vehicle through the old Guadix line and about 250 meters from the Cruz del Rayo, we park it next to the lane.
There on a large flat rock we went to mount our observation point.
Coordinates of the place: N 37º 27 ’37.49” - W 3º 54 ’46.15”. Altitude: 1032 meters.
Source: Bushnell Back-Track GPS.
Observation team:
- Celestron Skymaster 15x70 tripod and binoculars, with a 4.4º field of view.
- Sony Ericsson Xperia phone camera, (8.1 megapixel).
- Visual observation with the naked eye.
The beautiful astronomical phenomenon proceeded normally, the shadow of the earth invaded the Moon, giving it beautiful orange and reddish hues.
Four summer planets could be observed simultaneously these summer nights, which is quite unusual. The four orbited at a different height, visually forming something resembling an inverted parable.
(1) An incident is what happens in the course of an issue and that changes its future.
Enumerated from Southeast to West they were contemplated, Mars under the Moon, followed by ascending, from Saturn, Jupiter, and already descending the brilliant Venus.
Before the beauty of the panoramic vision, at 23 hours and 3 minutes (summer time in Spain), it occurred to me to do a freehand visual scan with the camera of my mobile phone, without scientific pretensions of any kind; I placed it in night panorama and in VGA; So I started recording this amazing little video 1 minute 55 ”seconds, called on my mobile device. File (MOV_0072).
On the night of July 27, 2018, a group of friends who love astronomy (2), consisting of José Antonio C., Alfredo Luque and a server Manuel Escabias. We went to observe the eclipse of Luna to a place near our town of Alcalá la Real, (Jaén). Specifically I refer to the place of "Los Llanos". When we got in the car, we were able to check the existing number of vehicles parked in that place. The media in its various news, had created great expectations about a beautiful phenomenon, called "Moon of Blood", and was now rewarded generating the assistance of numerous audiences.
We advance with our vehicle through the old Guadix line and about 250 meters from the Cruz del Rayo, we park it next to the lane.
There on a large flat rock we went to mount our observation point.
Coordinates of the place: N 37º 27 ’37.49” - W 3º 54 ’46.15”. Altitude: 1032 meters.
Source: Bushnell Back-Track GPS.
Observation team:
- Celestron Skymaster 15x70 tripod and binoculars, with a 4.4º field of view.
- Sony Ericsson Xperia phone camera, (8.1 megapixel).
- Visual observation with the naked eye.
The beautiful astronomical phenomenon proceeded normally, the shadow of the earth invaded the Moon, giving it beautiful orange and reddish hues.
Four summer planets could be observed simultaneously these summer nights, which is quite unusual. The four orbited at a different height, visually forming something resembling an inverted parable.
(1) An incident is what happens in the course of an issue and that changes its future.
Enumerated from Southeast to West they were contemplated, Mars under the Moon, followed by ascending, from Saturn, Jupiter, and already descending the brilliant Venus.
Before the beauty of the panoramic vision, at 23 hours and 3 minutes (summer time in Spain), it occurred to me to do a freehand visual scan with the camera of my mobile phone, without scientific pretensions of any kind; I placed it in night panorama and in VGA; So I started recording this amazing little video 1 minute 55 ”seconds, called on my mobile device. File (MOV_0072).
Step to explain: In the first 30 seconds of the same moon is seen above, below the planet Mars, and on the horizon line, the ski resort of Sol y Nieve, in Sierra Nevada.
As background sound of the recording, my friends Alfredo and José Antonio, have a fun conversation about the phenomenon of the diffraction of Light, citing among others, the novel "The Green Lightning" by Julio Verne ...
After 30 seconds, "You can't see a bunch" ... No luminosity can be seen, the objective of the phone is of good quality, but of little size ... At 57 seconds the planet Jupiter appears jumping (luminosity -1´ 72); And when I appreciate that the camera did not capture the luminosity of the planet Saturn, in minute 1.03 ”, my words are heard that say“ This is not seen, ”and I let Jupiter back off… I try again. Nothing; There is no way to capture the planet Saturn ... Jupiter appears again, in minute 1.13 ", losing immediately after the top of the screen in minute 1.21". (While passing the planet Jupiter, if viewed on a large screen you will see in the lower part the luminous flashes of the existing repeater in the Parapanda mountain range).
In the minute 1.26 "seconds appears" the alleged Venus "making a triangle with 2 upper light points ... until minute 1.54" end of the recording. Then I have a conversation about it, with my friend Alfredo showing on my part great skepticism, about the astronomical phenomenon that we are observing ... But considering for me, that previously the camera of my mobile, had not managed to capture the luminous magnitude of the planet Saturn (apparent magnitude 0.37). How could I now capture the super luminosity of some stars, totally non-existent?
Alfredo observed the 15X70 binoculars and commented that the stars could not be seen, next to the "alleged Venus", I looked at the naked eye and I did not see them ... The conversation was settled ... A possible reflection? We continue the three watching the eclipse until it ends. After all, that was the reason we were there.
As background sound of the recording, my friends Alfredo and José Antonio, have a fun conversation about the phenomenon of the diffraction of Light, citing among others, the novel "The Green Lightning" by Julio Verne ...
After 30 seconds, "You can't see a bunch" ... No luminosity can be seen, the objective of the phone is of good quality, but of little size ... At 57 seconds the planet Jupiter appears jumping (luminosity -1´ 72); And when I appreciate that the camera did not capture the luminosity of the planet Saturn, in minute 1.03 ”, my words are heard that say“ This is not seen, ”and I let Jupiter back off… I try again. Nothing; There is no way to capture the planet Saturn ... Jupiter appears again, in minute 1.13 ", losing immediately after the top of the screen in minute 1.21". (While passing the planet Jupiter, if viewed on a large screen you will see in the lower part the luminous flashes of the existing repeater in the Parapanda mountain range).
In the minute 1.26 "seconds appears" the alleged Venus "making a triangle with 2 upper light points ... until minute 1.54" end of the recording. Then I have a conversation about it, with my friend Alfredo showing on my part great skepticism, about the astronomical phenomenon that we are observing ... But considering for me, that previously the camera of my mobile, had not managed to capture the luminous magnitude of the planet Saturn (apparent magnitude 0.37). How could I now capture the super luminosity of some stars, totally non-existent?
Alfredo observed the 15X70 binoculars and commented that the stars could not be seen, next to the "alleged Venus", I looked at the naked eye and I did not see them ... The conversation was settled ... A possible reflection? We continue the three watching the eclipse until it ends. After all, that was the reason we were there.
The fact is that I slept with the fly behind the ear ... Thinking about those final 30 seconds of the video, surprising and impossible to understand.
Our conclusions:
The same visual information is appreciated, both on the mobile phone device, and when passing it to a video file, for viewing on the computer or on the TV screen.
(I) Working hypothesis: "Based on what we found with the naked eye ..." Planet Venus next to two luminous points. This thesis was maintained until a few days passed and we were able to verify in astronomy software, which was totally unreal.
(II) Working hypothesis; The image that appears next to the two luminous points is not the planet Venus.
1- The image of our “false planet Venus” visually has a large size in the sky, around 0.5º. The same size as the image of the eclipsed Moon, which appears at the beginning of the recording.
2- Also in this luminous object, when viewing it on a large screen, you can see in the video, a window in the top shaped like an eye of an ox, we are not kidding ... Believe us.
3- The planet Venus at 23 hours and 03 minutes (summer time in Spain) is being placed on the horizon line (Stellarium Fountains). While our "fake Venus" is in the west direction about 20º approx, above the horizon line.
4- The planet Venus, like our satellite the Moon, has phases of luminosity; On July 27, he was in a “phase” around 59% luminosity (Stellarium sources); While our "fake Venus" appears complete and 100% round.
5- At 23 hours and 3 minutes, summer time in Spain, there are no visual remains of the sunset, which can create this type of luminosity. Also at that height of the horizon, there is no place or mountain where the three luminous objects can be fixed.
6- The three lights that are appreciated, we do not believe that they are reflections, since the objects look punctual and with total sharpness. 3 bright spots appear in the same field of view. Logically, without this, it means that everyone is at the same distance or real field.
7- The three objects form a scalene triangle, the "false Venus" being the lower vertex of the left.
8- The object visually closest to the “false Venus”, is inclined and clearly elongated, the object located at the top vertex, with a round contour, being able to be spherical.
9- The objects have their own light and different colors: The one located in the upper vertex has light, ashen gray; the one located in the lower right vertex, its luminosity is similar in color to that of the "fake Venus", more yellowish.
10- Apparently no movement is appreciated.
The sensation that seems due to the great distance is that there is no movement; The reality is that yes, they move. View the images and stop the video, at the beginning of the recording of the event minute 1.29 ”. The two objects look higher with respect to the planet Venus. Continue watching the video, stopping it in minute 1.54 ”; the two objects have come down simultaneously, and the elongated one is almost horizontal with respect to Venus.
11- There are no flashing position lights, nor flashes, nor light trails. The three objects must be very far from the vertical of Alcala la Real. This remoteness gives the viewer, who views the images, the sensation of a normal astronomical observation, not logically corroborated by reason, since those three stellar objects of such luminous magnitude are totally non-existent in the constellation of Leo, where it occurs The strange visual event.
12- The observation lacked noise.
We do not know when these objects arrived, nor, as or when they disappeared.
At no time, we had a feeling or perseverance, of attending a UFO sighting.
13- We believe that the phenomenon from an astronomical point of view, has no explanation.
14- We think that we are facing an interesting case of UFO phenomenology, it happened in Spain on the night of July 27, 2018, date of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Date that will undoubtedly be remembered by all of us while we live ... We believe that these images will give much to talk about. Judge you.
-Note: To this day, we have not published anything, we have acted without haste, limiting ourselves only to studying the phenomenon in its many facets.
15- We ask ourselves: Did these objects appear in air traffic control radars, as well as military ones?
P.S. The duration of the recording is short; Only 1 minute and 54 "seconds, being part of the joint vision of the three objects 29" seconds. Unfortunately the person who made the video, was looking forward to finishing the recording, to be able to observe clearly, the luminous objects by the binoculars. "He was wrong"! "I was wrong"!…
Thank you for the attention given, we hope that the phenomenon has been of your interest.
- (Note) The first batch of images are as is, without any manipulation (of image processing program, filter or zoom ...)
Our conclusions:
The same visual information is appreciated, both on the mobile phone device, and when passing it to a video file, for viewing on the computer or on the TV screen.
(I) Working hypothesis: "Based on what we found with the naked eye ..." Planet Venus next to two luminous points. This thesis was maintained until a few days passed and we were able to verify in astronomy software, which was totally unreal.
(II) Working hypothesis; The image that appears next to the two luminous points is not the planet Venus.
1- The image of our “false planet Venus” visually has a large size in the sky, around 0.5º. The same size as the image of the eclipsed Moon, which appears at the beginning of the recording.
2- Also in this luminous object, when viewing it on a large screen, you can see in the video, a window in the top shaped like an eye of an ox, we are not kidding ... Believe us.
3- The planet Venus at 23 hours and 03 minutes (summer time in Spain) is being placed on the horizon line (Stellarium Fountains). While our "fake Venus" is in the west direction about 20º approx, above the horizon line.
4- The planet Venus, like our satellite the Moon, has phases of luminosity; On July 27, he was in a “phase” around 59% luminosity (Stellarium sources); While our "fake Venus" appears complete and 100% round.
5- At 23 hours and 3 minutes, summer time in Spain, there are no visual remains of the sunset, which can create this type of luminosity. Also at that height of the horizon, there is no place or mountain where the three luminous objects can be fixed.
6- The three lights that are appreciated, we do not believe that they are reflections, since the objects look punctual and with total sharpness. 3 bright spots appear in the same field of view. Logically, without this, it means that everyone is at the same distance or real field.
7- The three objects form a scalene triangle, the "false Venus" being the lower vertex of the left.
8- The object visually closest to the “false Venus”, is inclined and clearly elongated, the object located at the top vertex, with a round contour, being able to be spherical.
9- The objects have their own light and different colors: The one located in the upper vertex has light, ashen gray; the one located in the lower right vertex, its luminosity is similar in color to that of the "fake Venus", more yellowish.
10- Apparently no movement is appreciated.
The sensation that seems due to the great distance is that there is no movement; The reality is that yes, they move. View the images and stop the video, at the beginning of the recording of the event minute 1.29 ”. The two objects look higher with respect to the planet Venus. Continue watching the video, stopping it in minute 1.54 ”; the two objects have come down simultaneously, and the elongated one is almost horizontal with respect to Venus.
11- There are no flashing position lights, nor flashes, nor light trails. The three objects must be very far from the vertical of Alcala la Real. This remoteness gives the viewer, who views the images, the sensation of a normal astronomical observation, not logically corroborated by reason, since those three stellar objects of such luminous magnitude are totally non-existent in the constellation of Leo, where it occurs The strange visual event.
12- The observation lacked noise.
We do not know when these objects arrived, nor, as or when they disappeared.
At no time, we had a feeling or perseverance, of attending a UFO sighting.
13- We believe that the phenomenon from an astronomical point of view, has no explanation.
14- We think that we are facing an interesting case of UFO phenomenology, it happened in Spain on the night of July 27, 2018, date of the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century. Date that will undoubtedly be remembered by all of us while we live ... We believe that these images will give much to talk about. Judge you.
-Note: To this day, we have not published anything, we have acted without haste, limiting ourselves only to studying the phenomenon in its many facets.
15- We ask ourselves: Did these objects appear in air traffic control radars, as well as military ones?
P.S. The duration of the recording is short; Only 1 minute and 54 "seconds, being part of the joint vision of the three objects 29" seconds. Unfortunately the person who made the video, was looking forward to finishing the recording, to be able to observe clearly, the luminous objects by the binoculars. "He was wrong"! "I was wrong"!…
Thank you for the attention given, we hope that the phenomenon has been of your interest.
- (Note) The first batch of images are as is, without any manipulation (of image processing program, filter or zoom ...)
Moon Eclipse of July 27; Mars is located under the moon.
The lights visible at the bottom are those of the ski resort, "Sun and Snow" in Sierra Nevada (Granada).
The lights visible at the bottom are those of the ski resort, "Sun and Snow" in Sierra Nevada (Granada).
The "supposed" planet Venus, next to the two luminous objects. Minute 1.29 ”seconds of recording. Look at the height of the elongated object with respect to the "supposed Venus."
Recording in minute 1.40 ”seconds. The two objects are going down in sync.
In the minute 1.53 "seconds of the recording, the objects continue to go down at the same time, leaving the elongated almost in the horizontal line of the "supposed planet Venus".
This orientation diagram starts from the base, wrong or not, of the object that serves as its axis; The one that shows the porthole is static and is not even affected by the oscillation of the video shot.
This orientation diagram starts from the base, wrong or not, of the object that serves as its axis; The one that shows the porthole is static and is not even affected by the oscillation of the video shot.
* Comparative photographic diagram, where the movement of objects is more clearly appreciated. The "supposed Venus" remains in the same position, oscillating without turning always showing the same face; While the other two objects descend synchronously, a lateral shift to the right is seen in the upper luminous object.
* The following images, have been enlarged with an image capture program, have no further manipulation.
* The following images, have been enlarged with an image capture program, have no further manipulation.
Frame 52 expanded.
Frame 61 enlarged.
+ The vision of the objects, we find something similar to this schematic sketch, although perhaps the dark oculus of the major object may be rather concave.
* When enlarging the images; To the larger object, a circular oculus, along with two spherical luminaries attached, can be seen on both sides of the porthole. ... The elongated object seems to be peanut-shaped, with two circles glued together, each of a different color (bluish greenish and reddish). The upper luminosity remains circular, and shows an ashen gray or bluish color. ... Speculate ... Draw your conclusions. Thanking the attention paid. A greeting.
(2) Information about us: We are three friends who love astronomy; With knowledge in deep sky, but little in Planetarium as well as in Astrophotography, as it does not yet have a CCD camera. Unfortunately we do not observe everything we should, for fundamentally work reasons. Even so, we believe ourselves with enough astronomical knowledge, to realize that the video recording obtained by us (MOV_0072), is exceptional and very difficult to understand by Astronomy.
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